Make a Honey Lavender Latte - All The Coffees
If you’re looking for a soothing and aromatic coffee creation, a honey lavender latte is the perfect choice. Combining the natural sweetness of honey with the delicate floral notes of lavender, this latte is a delightful treat for your taste buds. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the steps of making a heavenly honey lavender latte that will transport you to a state of sweet serenity.


To make a honey lavender latte, gather the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 1 shot of espresso or 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee
  • 1 tablespoon honey (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried culinary lavender buds
  • Optional: dried lavender sprigs for garnish
Honey Lavender Latte
Note: Use culinary lavender, specifically grown for culinary purposes and free of any additives or pesticides.


Step 1:

Infusing the Milk In a small saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until it starts to steam. Be careful not to let it boil. Once steaming, add the dried lavender buds to the milk. Stir gently to ensure the lavender is evenly distributed.

Step 2:

Steeping the Lavender Turn off the heat and let the milk steep for about 5 minutes. This allows the lavender to infuse its delicate flavor and aroma into the milk.

Step 3:

Straining the Milk After steeping, strain the milk through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the lavender buds. This will give your latte a smooth and enjoyable texture.

Honey Lavender Latte

Step 4:

Frothing the Milk Pour the infused milk into a milk frother or use a handheld frother to create a creamy and frothy texture. If you don’t have a frother, you can heat the milk again and whisk vigorously to create foam.

Step 5:

Preparing the Latte Brew a shot of espresso or prepare strong brewed coffee according to your preference. Pour the espresso or coffee into a mug.

Next, add honey to the mug and stir well to dissolve it in the hot espresso or coffee. Adjust the amount of honey to suit your desired level of sweetness.

Step 6:

Adding the Frothed Milk Pour the frothed lavender-infused milk into the mug, holding back the foam with a spoon. Once most of the milk is in, spoon the remaining foam on top.

Step 7:

Garnishing and Serving For an extra touch, garnish your honey lavender latte with a sprinkle of dried lavender buds or a lavender sprig. The lavender garnish not only adds visual appeal but also enhances the aroma.

Now, cozy up in your favorite spot and savor every sip of your homemade honey lavender latte. Let its soothing flavors transport you to a state of calm and relaxation.

With its delicate floral notes and comforting sweetness, a honey lavender latte is a delightful indulgence that can brighten your day. By following these simple steps, you can create a barista-worthy latte in the comfort of your own home. So, grab your favorite mug, gather the ingredients, and prepare to experience the blissful combination of honey and lavender in a velvety latte. Enjoy the serenity it brings to your coffee moments!

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